Family Medicine / GP
Family Medicine in Ireland is provided by a General Practitioner – GP
GPs provide a broad service to their patients on all health issues and may refer patients to see specialists or hospital consultants if more specific investigations are required. GPs play a central role in the health of our community, caring for people from birth and childhood, through to older age and end of life care.
If your GP refers you for a public out-patient appointment, to a public hospital for an x-ray or blood test, or to an Emergency Department, you will not be charged for the hospital services. If you go directly to an Emergency Department without a GP referral, there is a charge for the service.
Most GPs in Ireland are private practitioners, but the majority of GPs provide services on behalf of the HSE, to people with Medical Cards, GP Visit Cards and other schemes. Most GPs also provide immunisation services free to patients on behalf of the HSE, and through the Mother and Infant Care Scheme, some visits during pregnancy are also paid for by the HSE. Most people who don’t have a Medical Card or GP Visit Card will pay a fee for a GP visit.