Change of fees will apply from 2nd of October 2023

Service Fees
Consultation fee €75.00
Phone Consultation fee €50.00
Consultation follow-up €50.00
Consultation - 2 family members €130.00
Consultation + Blood test €110.00
Blood test €35.00
Repeat prescription €30.00
Private Sick Cert €30.00
Blood pressure check + bloods €75.00
ECG €55.00
24hr Monitor €75.00
Driving license form €75.00
Ear syringing €75.00
Cryotherapy €75.00
Ingrown toenail removal €330.00
chicken pox vaccine (price will depend on vaccine administered) consultation required with doctor first €30.00
Occupational Health €130.00
Assessment for Capacity of Wills , Power of Attorney €240.00
Iron Injection €120.00
Travel Vaccines - Price Varies With Destination Implanon €150.00
Blood Test is not covered with Medical Card
Service Fees
Letter  - Medical (sick cert, referral etc without seeing the doctor) €30.00
Letter – non Medical €45.00
Joint Steroid Injection (medical card 80.00) €150.00
Joint Hylaronic Acid Injection (medical card €180.00) €250.00
Nurse swabs (medical card €40.00) €80.00
B12 injection (private ) €30.00
B12 injection (medical card ) €25.00
PIAB report €450.00
Fertility Bloods €130
Hormone Bloods €70

Forms and letters- from 25
Please give 24-48 hours for all prescription and letter requests